Monday, October 6, 2008

[O]ne [W]eb [D]ay: [M]y [E]xperiences [W]ith [T]he [I]nternet

[G]rowing up in a generation where the Internet has developed to a global phenomenon, it is crazy to think how people could live without it. The amount of time I spend online doing research, chatting to friends, or just surfing the web, it is difficult for me to think of a life without it. The internet has certainly allowed for me to learn a lot of things that I don’t think I would have come across without it.
[B]eing able to access the internet whenever I want can have its advantages and disadvantages too. Although I think the internet has a lot of reliable information on it, I also think that there is a majority of things on it that people should never see. One major question that I always wondered is why is there not something, or someone monitoring what is being displayed online. Yes I know that there are millions of users worldwide every day, but I think that it is becoming way to easy to put whatever you want on the internet at just a click of a button. Not only are you allowed to browse the web but you can also date and shop as well. It’s the biggest mall in the entire world; and you can buy almost whatever you want!
[W]hen I sat down today and thought of all the things the internet has to offer, it hurt my brain just thinking about it. You can connect with people all over the world in a matter of seconds, which makes this very convenient with people who have family overseas. I know without this kind of technology I would not be able to keep in touch as often as I do with my sister in New Zealand, and my cousins who go to school in the states. Instead of paying all those long distance fees on a telephone, all you have to do is sign up for web messenger free, and begin chatting with all of your friends. Forget about three-way call, because online you can have a conversation going with as many people as you want; and the cost of it is your internet bill at the end of the month. Much better than the hundreds of dollars you could be paying in long distance charges.
[W]hen I think about ICT’s (information and communicating technologies) I feel that this is something that my generation has always grown up with. We have become so reliant on technologies like cell phones and iPod’s that we don’t realize how fortunate we are to be able to have things like these. In some undeveloped countries, an iPod would be a luxury instead of a necessity. What I mean by this is that in our generation we are so used to having these types of technological advances, that we don’t take the time to stop and think about those who don’t. We focus so much of our times into consuming ourselves with new advances, instead of appreciating the steps it took to get there.
[In] Conclusion, the internet has brought a level of communication to the world that would not be possible any other way. It has allowed for people to find their true loves, as well it has allowed for people to find lost friends. Without the internet in today’s society, I think we would not excel to the point that we have today without it. So remember next time that you are on msn, or just surfing the web, appreciate the amount of work that went into creating a technology piece such as the internet, and just be thankful that we live in a generation with it, and not in a one where the internet is unheard of, or out of the question.

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