Monday, October 6, 2008

[A] [D]ay [I]n [T]he [L]ife [:] [A] [M]edia [&] [T]echnology [ L]og

[I] never realized how much media truly is a part of my life until I actually sat down and reviewed my media usage for the day. To begin, I woke up to the radio that just happened to be tuned into a national debate about whether or not parents should put GPS into their children’s cell phones. After thinking about how that could be a whole other blog post on its own, I went on with the rest of my daily rituals. Going about my day as usual, I did not come across anything else that was unusual from any other day of my life.
[I] would have to say that the most important piece of media that I used for the entire day was my cell phone. Between texting, and answering calls, it made up for approximately 70% of my media exposure for the day, but I think that this can be said for everyone. In today’s society cell phones have become the primary use of communication between teenagers and adults. Now instead of having to be at home on a landline, you can potentially be anywhere, anytime, and still carry on a conversation.
[A]nother thing that I found myself using extensively over the period of the day was the internet. From checking my facebook, to chatting to friends online, all would not be possible without the internet. The internet today is another thing that is dominating teenagers in today’s society. I would say over the course of the day about 20% of my media exposure went to checking my email, surfing the web and chatting to friends on messenger. While online, I noticed a variety of pop-ups advertising towards a variety of different things; trying to get people all over the world to purchase their products.
[L]astly the remaining 10% of my media exposure went through the television, and through signs posted around my city. Being in the middle of a campaign election, there are posters all over the city persuading people to vote towards a certain party. Although this does not directly affect be, as I am unable to vote in the upcoming election due to my age, I am still able to see the effects it has on other people.
[I]n Conclusion, I would say that media has become a huge contributing factor in my daily lifestyle. From waking up in the morning listening to the radio, to going to bed watching advertisements in between my favourite TV show; media is reaching me at the most credential times in my life. I guess it is no wonder that the last thing I see before I go to bed is my msn messenger screen, that last little tidbit of media exposure before I go on to dream about that new diet pill on the market.

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