Tuesday, October 7, 2008

[A]dvertising [I]mage [F]rom [O]nline: [S]ex [S]ells [?]

[I]n today’s society, if you do not have a sexy male or female promoting your product, chances are it is not going to sell. Everywhere we look in today’s society we see girls plastered all over endorsing a variety of different products, such as the burger in this photo. It is really terrible to think that our society has come to this point, but the reality of the situation is that it has.
[I]n this photo we see three girls crowded around one burger; all seductively looking at it as if they are very satisfied customers. They all are wearing western style outfits, which might recommend that this media advertisement belongs to Arby’s. Also notice the light that seems to be glowing around the girls, as if they are angels in disguise as they eat the burger.
[T]oday it is very hard for women to feel good about themselves due to the many advertisements around causing women to feel very demeaned, and socially exposed. Although this is seen in women for the majority, how would this picture change if it was three men? Would the same message still be coming across through the image as “sex sells”? Although we are still endorsing the same product, are we changing the consumer market? This is something interesting to think about, because it would definitely give you the other side of the spectrum.
[E]veryone knows now about the Dove Natural Beauty Campaign and their mission to make women feel good, and accept themselves for who they are. This has been a work in progress for many years, and now it has finally developed. Dove has created their own media advertisements to show what the media is not only doing for teenagers, and older adults, but for younger children as well. This picture seen to the left goes against everything the DNBC is trying to improve. Below is a link to a you-tube video of a young girl being bombarded with media advertisements, with many similar pictures to the one shown and analyzed here. While watching the video think of your sister, cousin, daughter, or friend being the girl submerged with the following media advertisements.
[I]n Conclusion it is very difficult for a girl to feel good about herself with media advertisements like this being exposed on a daily basis. Exposing young girls especially to this can only do one thing, and that is lower their self-esteem, which parents have spent years trying to build for their children. Everywhere we go whether it is to the mall, or even for a stroll in downtown Toronto, these images are very hard to avoid as they are plastered everywhere possible. We can only hope that things will change as time continues, but with the way things are going right now, I can’t see anything being done about it for awhile.
[Youtube Link]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei6JvK0W60I
* [P]lease feel free to leave comments on the video, I would really like to know what your reactions are to it.

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