Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Ecology of the med[i]a: the [i]Pod

Mac[i]ntosh, as we all know [i]s most famous for mak[i]ng an outstand[i]ng entrance [i]nto the technology world, [i]ntroduc[i]ng new h[i]gh advanced technology that everyone can enjoy. Com[i]ng out w[i]th a bang they soon [i]ntroduced computers, mus[i]c dev[i]ces, and now the latest an, outstand[i]ng cell phone, wh[i]ch [i]ncludes all three of these products comb[i]ned. It [i]s no wonder that they have left other manufactures scratch[i]ng the[i]r heads [i]n confus[i]on as they r[i]se to the top of the charts.
Everywhere we go, we see med[i]a advert[i]sements advert[i]s[i]ng the newest and most updated products. Take [i]nto cons[i]derat[i]on the [i]Pod. It started out w[i]th an Mp3, created by other advert[i]sing compan[i]es. Mac then jumped on the [i]dea of mak[i]ng [i]t better, by chang[i]ng [i]ts [i]mage, and the amount of mus[i]c [i]t holds. We have seen the [i]Pod develop from the “old” class[i]c nano, to the “new” [i]Pod touch, constantly update[i]ng at a pace we cannot afford. Manufactures are very smart [i]n the way they release the[i]r newest and hottest p[i]eces of technology; as soon as someth[i]ng [i]s released, a month later the updated “better” vers[i]on will be out, and the product that you just spent 350 dollars on w[i]ll be dropped to 200. It [i]s all about gett[i]ng consumers to “d[i]tch” the old and buy the new, and to get you to spend as much money as poss[i]ble.
In my op[i]n[i]on, I would say that Mac has had the b[i]ggest [i]nfluence on Canad[i]an consumers. I would say that approx[i]mately 8 out of every 10 people you see have Mac products or have come [i]nto contact w[i]th Mac products at least once [i]n the[i]r l[i]fet[i]me. Who are those other 2 people you ask? The pres[i]dent and v[i]ce-pres[i]dent of PC, who would never adm[i]t to [i]t but are probably us[i]ng Mac products as well. In today’s soc[i]ety mus[i]c [i]s a way for us to express ourselves, and now at the cl[i]ck of a mouse we can have an ent[i]re playl[i]st to enjoy. Mac has jumped on th[i]s [i]dea, and now [i]s reach[i]ng m[i]ll[i]ons of people worldw[i]de w[i]th the[i]r [i]Pod technology.
In Conclus[i]on, Mac has taken a stance [i]n the manufactur[i]ng world that has left other compan[i]es puzzled, and stuck. W[i]th the way that they are headed [i]n today’s soc[i]ety, [i]t would not surpr[i]se me one b[i]t to see an [i]Car w[i]th[i]n the next few years.

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