Tuesday, October 7, 2008

[T]he [A]merican [P]residential [E]lection [:] [A] [L]ook [A]t [M]y [P]olitical [V]iews

[W]hen it comes to my attitude towards political views I would have to say that the two major influences upon me is my family and the mass-media. Since I am only 17, and do not turn 18 until October 31, I will not get a chance to vote in the upcoming election. This is disappointing to me because I have always been one to follow the election closely, and watch the national debates on television. I feel that having an age restriction of 18 to vote is a little high, considering as students we begin to learn it in the later stages of our primary education.
[T]o Begin, I would say my family is the most influential when it comes to my political views. Even though I have not reached the voting age, when election’s come, it usually contributes to the majority of the conversations that take place in my household, as I have 4 eligible voters living there. My parents have never really closely followed the election for themselves; it’s usually my sisters that do all the research. I never really did understand why my parents never did a lot of research. Don’t they want the best future possible for me and my sisters? Although I know my parents care for me very much it is just frustrating that I am not able to voice my opinion till I am 18.
[T]he media has also had a major influence towards my political views. Everywhere you go there is signs posted saying “Vote Green” or “Vote Liberal” and you see them nearly every day. As well there are commercials on tv, broadcasting over the radio and internet, as well as flyers that come to your home. When election time comes, you are bombarded with everyone else’s political views. It is hard then to vote without having something to persuade you towards a certain party.
[W]hen I Compare the Canadian election, to the American election it really is similar in a variety of ways. Although the Americans are voting for one individual to run their entire country, we are essentially doing the same, just there are a lot more steps in getting there. When you think of the process it takes to become a potential candidate we all know that you need to have a certain status within society in order to be in the running. We have seen this in the past with George Bush, and almost in this recent election with Hilary Clinton.
[I]n Conclusion, voting has not become a huge part of my life just yet, as I am unable to vote. Through my family and mass media I have been able to see the affects that influence someone to vote a particular way. I have also been able to see the affects of roles within a society, and status among individuals living within the society. My final words would have to be if you don’t care about health care, the economy, global warming, your future, then don’t vote.

* [T]ake a look at this you-tube video (I have attached the link below). The majority of you have probably already seen it, but I think it is a great video just before the upcoming election.

[A]dvertising [I]mage [F]rom [O]nline: [S]ex [S]ells [?]

[I]n today’s society, if you do not have a sexy male or female promoting your product, chances are it is not going to sell. Everywhere we look in today’s society we see girls plastered all over endorsing a variety of different products, such as the burger in this photo. It is really terrible to think that our society has come to this point, but the reality of the situation is that it has.
[I]n this photo we see three girls crowded around one burger; all seductively looking at it as if they are very satisfied customers. They all are wearing western style outfits, which might recommend that this media advertisement belongs to Arby’s. Also notice the light that seems to be glowing around the girls, as if they are angels in disguise as they eat the burger.
[T]oday it is very hard for women to feel good about themselves due to the many advertisements around causing women to feel very demeaned, and socially exposed. Although this is seen in women for the majority, how would this picture change if it was three men? Would the same message still be coming across through the image as “sex sells”? Although we are still endorsing the same product, are we changing the consumer market? This is something interesting to think about, because it would definitely give you the other side of the spectrum.
[E]veryone knows now about the Dove Natural Beauty Campaign and their mission to make women feel good, and accept themselves for who they are. This has been a work in progress for many years, and now it has finally developed. Dove has created their own media advertisements to show what the media is not only doing for teenagers, and older adults, but for younger children as well. This picture seen to the left goes against everything the DNBC is trying to improve. Below is a link to a you-tube video of a young girl being bombarded with media advertisements, with many similar pictures to the one shown and analyzed here. While watching the video think of your sister, cousin, daughter, or friend being the girl submerged with the following media advertisements.
[I]n Conclusion it is very difficult for a girl to feel good about herself with media advertisements like this being exposed on a daily basis. Exposing young girls especially to this can only do one thing, and that is lower their self-esteem, which parents have spent years trying to build for their children. Everywhere we go whether it is to the mall, or even for a stroll in downtown Toronto, these images are very hard to avoid as they are plastered everywhere possible. We can only hope that things will change as time continues, but with the way things are going right now, I can’t see anything being done about it for awhile.
[Youtube Link]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei6JvK0W60I
* [P]lease feel free to leave comments on the video, I would really like to know what your reactions are to it.

Monday, October 6, 2008

[O]ne [W]eb [D]ay: [M]y [E]xperiences [W]ith [T]he [I]nternet

[G]rowing up in a generation where the Internet has developed to a global phenomenon, it is crazy to think how people could live without it. The amount of time I spend online doing research, chatting to friends, or just surfing the web, it is difficult for me to think of a life without it. The internet has certainly allowed for me to learn a lot of things that I don’t think I would have come across without it.
[B]eing able to access the internet whenever I want can have its advantages and disadvantages too. Although I think the internet has a lot of reliable information on it, I also think that there is a majority of things on it that people should never see. One major question that I always wondered is why is there not something, or someone monitoring what is being displayed online. Yes I know that there are millions of users worldwide every day, but I think that it is becoming way to easy to put whatever you want on the internet at just a click of a button. Not only are you allowed to browse the web but you can also date and shop as well. It’s the biggest mall in the entire world; and you can buy almost whatever you want!
[W]hen I sat down today and thought of all the things the internet has to offer, it hurt my brain just thinking about it. You can connect with people all over the world in a matter of seconds, which makes this very convenient with people who have family overseas. I know without this kind of technology I would not be able to keep in touch as often as I do with my sister in New Zealand, and my cousins who go to school in the states. Instead of paying all those long distance fees on a telephone, all you have to do is sign up for web messenger free, and begin chatting with all of your friends. Forget about three-way call, because online you can have a conversation going with as many people as you want; and the cost of it is your internet bill at the end of the month. Much better than the hundreds of dollars you could be paying in long distance charges.
[W]hen I think about ICT’s (information and communicating technologies) I feel that this is something that my generation has always grown up with. We have become so reliant on technologies like cell phones and iPod’s that we don’t realize how fortunate we are to be able to have things like these. In some undeveloped countries, an iPod would be a luxury instead of a necessity. What I mean by this is that in our generation we are so used to having these types of technological advances, that we don’t take the time to stop and think about those who don’t. We focus so much of our times into consuming ourselves with new advances, instead of appreciating the steps it took to get there.
[In] Conclusion, the internet has brought a level of communication to the world that would not be possible any other way. It has allowed for people to find their true loves, as well it has allowed for people to find lost friends. Without the internet in today’s society, I think we would not excel to the point that we have today without it. So remember next time that you are on msn, or just surfing the web, appreciate the amount of work that went into creating a technology piece such as the internet, and just be thankful that we live in a generation with it, and not in a one where the internet is unheard of, or out of the question.

[A] [D]ay [I]n [T]he [L]ife [:] [A] [M]edia [&] [T]echnology [ L]og

[I] never realized how much media truly is a part of my life until I actually sat down and reviewed my media usage for the day. To begin, I woke up to the radio that just happened to be tuned into a national debate about whether or not parents should put GPS into their children’s cell phones. After thinking about how that could be a whole other blog post on its own, I went on with the rest of my daily rituals. Going about my day as usual, I did not come across anything else that was unusual from any other day of my life.
[I] would have to say that the most important piece of media that I used for the entire day was my cell phone. Between texting, and answering calls, it made up for approximately 70% of my media exposure for the day, but I think that this can be said for everyone. In today’s society cell phones have become the primary use of communication between teenagers and adults. Now instead of having to be at home on a landline, you can potentially be anywhere, anytime, and still carry on a conversation.
[A]nother thing that I found myself using extensively over the period of the day was the internet. From checking my facebook, to chatting to friends online, all would not be possible without the internet. The internet today is another thing that is dominating teenagers in today’s society. I would say over the course of the day about 20% of my media exposure went to checking my email, surfing the web and chatting to friends on messenger. While online, I noticed a variety of pop-ups advertising towards a variety of different things; trying to get people all over the world to purchase their products.
[L]astly the remaining 10% of my media exposure went through the television, and through signs posted around my city. Being in the middle of a campaign election, there are posters all over the city persuading people to vote towards a certain party. Although this does not directly affect be, as I am unable to vote in the upcoming election due to my age, I am still able to see the effects it has on other people.
[I]n Conclusion, I would say that media has become a huge contributing factor in my daily lifestyle. From waking up in the morning listening to the radio, to going to bed watching advertisements in between my favourite TV show; media is reaching me at the most credential times in my life. I guess it is no wonder that the last thing I see before I go to bed is my msn messenger screen, that last little tidbit of media exposure before I go on to dream about that new diet pill on the market.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Ecology of the med[i]a: the [i]Pod

Mac[i]ntosh, as we all know [i]s most famous for mak[i]ng an outstand[i]ng entrance [i]nto the technology world, [i]ntroduc[i]ng new h[i]gh advanced technology that everyone can enjoy. Com[i]ng out w[i]th a bang they soon [i]ntroduced computers, mus[i]c dev[i]ces, and now the latest an, outstand[i]ng cell phone, wh[i]ch [i]ncludes all three of these products comb[i]ned. It [i]s no wonder that they have left other manufactures scratch[i]ng the[i]r heads [i]n confus[i]on as they r[i]se to the top of the charts.
Everywhere we go, we see med[i]a advert[i]sements advert[i]s[i]ng the newest and most updated products. Take [i]nto cons[i]derat[i]on the [i]Pod. It started out w[i]th an Mp3, created by other advert[i]sing compan[i]es. Mac then jumped on the [i]dea of mak[i]ng [i]t better, by chang[i]ng [i]ts [i]mage, and the amount of mus[i]c [i]t holds. We have seen the [i]Pod develop from the “old” class[i]c nano, to the “new” [i]Pod touch, constantly update[i]ng at a pace we cannot afford. Manufactures are very smart [i]n the way they release the[i]r newest and hottest p[i]eces of technology; as soon as someth[i]ng [i]s released, a month later the updated “better” vers[i]on will be out, and the product that you just spent 350 dollars on w[i]ll be dropped to 200. It [i]s all about gett[i]ng consumers to “d[i]tch” the old and buy the new, and to get you to spend as much money as poss[i]ble.
In my op[i]n[i]on, I would say that Mac has had the b[i]ggest [i]nfluence on Canad[i]an consumers. I would say that approx[i]mately 8 out of every 10 people you see have Mac products or have come [i]nto contact w[i]th Mac products at least once [i]n the[i]r l[i]fet[i]me. Who are those other 2 people you ask? The pres[i]dent and v[i]ce-pres[i]dent of PC, who would never adm[i]t to [i]t but are probably us[i]ng Mac products as well. In today’s soc[i]ety mus[i]c [i]s a way for us to express ourselves, and now at the cl[i]ck of a mouse we can have an ent[i]re playl[i]st to enjoy. Mac has jumped on th[i]s [i]dea, and now [i]s reach[i]ng m[i]ll[i]ons of people worldw[i]de w[i]th the[i]r [i]Pod technology.
In Conclus[i]on, Mac has taken a stance [i]n the manufactur[i]ng world that has left other compan[i]es puzzled, and stuck. W[i]th the way that they are headed [i]n today’s soc[i]ety, [i]t would not surpr[i]se me one b[i]t to see an [i]Car w[i]th[i]n the next few years.