Wednesday, November 12, 2008

[S]hopaholics [B]eware ! ~ [B]uy [N]othing [D]ay

[W]hen I first heard about “Buy Nothing Day” I really wasn’t sure of what to think about the whole situation. I mean, I really sat down and tried to think of my spending habits, and the results were not good. I have come to the conclusion, that I am a Shopaholic! I have never even heard about this big event until this year, and even being an avid shopper, I agree with it completely! Our society has turned into nothing other than a consumers market.
[W]orking in retail, I have come into contact with peoples spending habits every day, so I know peoples limits, and what they are willing to risk in order to get that 64.99 hoodie, or those 180.00 dress shoes that will make their outfit complete. I work in two, totally different environments; Campus Crew which is casual clothing, directed towards students, and Aldo which is a shoe store for men and women ranging from teenagers to adults. I have worked in retail for almost 2 years now, so the amount of exposure I have to peoples shopping experiences is quite high.
[I] took the time to review the amount of money that came into both stores last year on November 28th, and I was very disappointed that more people didn’t comply with buying nothing. Campus Crew sold 1,234.97 and Aldo sold 3,432.34, both surpassing their designated goal for that day. It really is crazy to think of what would happen if everyone in the world participated, and bought nothing for one entire day. Like seriously think about it, what would happen? It really is something that puzzles you, and makes you really think. But in reality, it would be impossible to get the entire world to participate in an event like this because people like to take their own stance in society, which for the most part is nothing.
[O]n November 28th, I am going to buy absolutely nothing! I am in strong support of this, and I am going to encourage my friends to do the same. I will encourage people during my shift at Campus Crew that their old sweater will work just fine, and that they don’t need our new style just to fit in. I am going to tell people about the difference they are making, just by not shopping on this one particular day. I am pretty sure my manager is not going to like it, but if I can make a difference only for one day, you bet I am going to do my darn best to follow through with it.
[I]n conclusion, I cannot believe how so many people can become label whores. You have so many people that are dedicated to brands like Hollister and Abercrombie, just because of its name! It seriously is crazy to think that people are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on just one t-shirt, for a logo that is the size of a penny. Buy nothing day is your way of showing the world that you don’t need to purchase something every day, and that you have the willpower not too. So everyone join me November 28th, as we take this journey of keeping money in our wallets, and the products in the consumer’s hands!

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