Wednesday, November 19, 2008

[G]et [E]ducated [!]

I think that being well educated in Media awareness is a very important thing! I think that you need to be consciously aware of the media influences around you, and understand why advertisers do the things they do. During the week of November 3rd – 7th, educators worldwide will join together to raise awareness about media.
Living in Guelph my entire life, I went to a local high school, Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute, where very minimal media courses were offered. I did however participate in one of the media courses, but felt that I was not learning the fundamentals of media, on a global perspective. I feel that not enough education is being done in schools about media, and I feel that the education board really needs to step up their game. I feel that media is probably one of the most important things in today’s society, and if the right awareness is not being addressed, then things are going to continue to be misread, and misinterpreted. Take for example the Dove Natural Beauty Campaign. This campaign was created to address self-esteem issues in young girls worldwide, and to help them learn to love their bodies, but more importantly love themselves.
When Professor Lipton brought up the point that in your high school English classes they are supposed to include a percentage of media into the course, I was surprised to hear this. I do not recall participating in any media related topics throughout any of my English classes over my four years of being at the same high school. I feel that some schools have decided to neglect this completely from their programs simply because they feel it does not “fit” with the rest of the course content, and I would have to strongly disagree. I feel that with media being added into classes as a requirement is an amazing idea, and I feel that schools are going to help create awareness to the many issues that are being discussed on a daily basis. Media is beginning to control what is left of our deranged society, and if people are not well educated, how is that going to affect them as participants within society?
Participating in media week for me was very difficult, because all in all, I did not have a lot of experiences. I think the problem is that I am still struggling to find my standpoint on what I think media really means to me. I know that there is definition, after definition, and term, after term, but for me to really understand something; I need to come up with my own definition. Media to me occurs every second of everyday, and you see it almost everywhere. Whether you are browsing the internet, or watching t.v, you are consuming yourself into the media of today’s world.
In conclusion, I feel that our society is neglecting aspects of media, simply because they don’t want to believe it. Let’s look at Net Neutrality again for a second. If people truly thought that their internet was going to be shut down due to aspects dealing with Net Neutrality, you can bet that you would have a lot more people participating in some sort of awareness to help keep it. The thing is with our society today, people are afraid to speak up, and let their voices be herd because we have been conformed not to. We have been told to let the “big guys” handle it. Well I think we need to take a stance together, and make media more apparent in our everyday lives.

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