Saturday, November 15, 2008

[I]n [A] [B]it [O]f [A] [J]am ~ [C]ulture [J]amming

[A]s I was thinking about how culture jamming affects society today, there were so many things that flashed through my mind. Media has affected a wide range of cultures through media advertising, and through use of some commercial products, I feel advertisers are trying to make a statement. As I took the time to glance through some of today’s marketing magazines, I came across several ads’ that displayed attributes of culture jamming. We know culture jamming usually takes on the form of turning media against its intended purpose; using the media to satirize that which it was originally intended to portray.

[A]bove is four pictures in which I thought were good representations of images that display a good representation of what culture jamming is. The First image is a picture of a father and son, who are promoting “Obay”. I think that the point of this advertisement is that all children need to obey their fathers, and that whatever your father says goes. I think that this ad is discriminating in the way that children should not have a say or an opinion. All children always ask their parents the question “why?” and parents always respond with “because I said do”. This being displayed on the bottom of the add just goes to foreshadow the representation of all adults treating their kids with disrespect, and that all adults are right, and the children are wrong.
[T]he second picture is also advertising for “Obay”, but has two girls, a mother and daughter. Again we are seeing the same representation that the first ad has. When I really thought about these ads’ it almost seemed as if it was culture jamming, trying to go against culture jamming. What I mean by this is that “Obay” is not a real product, and thus by using media as a way to show the contradictions some parents have with their children; it is if they are almost contradicting themselves. I know this might sound a little confusing, but I am doing my best to describe it to you, and if you really focus on both of the images, you will see what I am talking about.
[I] think with the way that gas prices are heading right now, the third image is a great example of culture jamming. Everyone who drives would know how expensive it is becoming. With booming gas prices, and the price to insure, and own a car can be absolutely ridiculous. We know that between all the places that distribute gas, Esso and Petro Canada, are two of the industries that control what the cost of gas is, and is going to continue to be, hence the dollar signs in place of the two s’.
[T]he fourth and final picture, I feel is one of the best examples of culture jamming that I have come across yet. Not only does this picture reference to war, but it also references to apple, which is one of the biggest marketing companies out there. In this add, there is a person that is holding a “wip” like object that is standing in a position that looks as if he is entering a battle. At the bottom it shows the statistics for how many people have been killed, looking at both the American soldiers and the Iraqis’ killed. The only thing I don’t really understand about this add, is why they chose to use the IPod commercial in order to represent the war? Perhaps because the silhouette represents the shadows and the history the soldiers are leaving behind?
[A]fter I found all of these pictures, I really sat down and thought about how it relates to todays medical profession. Know knowing that "Obay" is not a real drug, what they are trying to say through these add's is that medication is the solution to everything in todays society. Kids are being put on anti-depressants at such young ages, and in the long run, the sideeffects arent really worth it. This also relates back to sociology; children are taught not to ask questions, they are told what to do, and they are told to obay their elders, hence the "Obay" in the add. I really think that these adds are an effective marketing technique, and I just hope that this message gets across to many people, so we can begin to see a change.
[I]n conclusion Culture jamming has become a very important part of our society, and I feel that it has done a very good job at showing the contradictions through a media perspective.

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