Tuesday, September 30, 2008

[P]ublic [J]ournalism: [C]reating [a] [B]log

[W]hen I was first told that we got to create a blog in this course I was a little excited, but at the same time not sure what to expect. I mean it would be nice to have a place to escape to and just write what is going on in your life, or on a particular issue. In Today’s society there are blogs all over the internet on a variety of different issues. From “Save the earth” to “Vote Liberal” everyone is trying to get across their political views on what they think needs to change in today’s world. Why through a blog you may ask? Millions of people, worldwide have access to the internet on a daily basis; whether their surfing the web, on facebook, or just checking their email, people’s messages worldwide are reaching them. Through forwards in your email, through groups created on facebook, and through those flashy annoying pop-ups on almost every website you visit. Most of the time we don’t even notice these small inserts of subliminal messaging, but they reach us almost every day. The point of my blog isn’t going to be to bombard people with my views and try to convert them to my likings. Their simply just my opinions, and how I feel towards the certain topics that are going to be addressed. Please remember that this is for my University course: Language of the Media if you are going to respond to anything that I have posted.